Craft Beer Budz Acoustic Ales Mosh Pit

And so the chaos ensues…

AcousticAles-Mosh-PitWe started the week off with a “lost” episode due to an exploding bottle of Lost Abbey Brett Devo and a failure on my part to turn on the wireless mic transmitter, followed it up with yesterday’s Seven Circling Sharks edition which just went on for far too long and unfortunately, things didn’t get much better for our third tasting…

Chewie the Wonder Mutt’s atomic dog farts aside, when I went to pop the top on a 22oz bomber of Acoustic AlesMosh Pit it had exactly the opposite reaction experienced with the angry bottle of Spirit’s Devotion… Unless I just missed it, there was no sound of decompression whatsoever. This did not bode well…

While the beer was still surprisingly carbonated and not at all flat, questions ensued…

As always, if you want to be part of the show, subscribe on YouTube and leave a comment explaining to us why you would be a good pick to come out and drink some craft beer with us.

Want to recommend a beer? Hit us up here or on any of the Inside The Craft Social Media outlets and we’ll be happy to accommodate. 😉

Na zdrowie!

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