Craft Beer Budz-16

oceanside-dude-double-ipaAs the series continues to evolve we’ve introduced more tweaks for this week’s session. In an effort to make sure everyone gets the opportunity to partake in the true, blind taste test experience we have everyone (except deadbeat Mike who knows very little about beer) contributing a bottle or two to the process.

We’ve also decided not to reveal the identity of the beer in advance to viewers just to see what it does for the experience. I wanted to take advantage of potential SEO values based on the names of beers and breweries but we’ve decided that it just might be more fun to leave every hanging, equally.

We also pay a brief homage to hand sanitizer and explore Mike’s inability to take car of himself like an adult. Maybe it’s just me but the closing minutes are the funniest part of the show 😀

As always, if you want to be part of the show, subscribe on YouTube and leave a comment explaining to us why you would be a good pick to come out and drink some craft beer with us.

Want to recommend a beer? Hit us up here or on any of the Inside The Craft Social Media outlets and we’ll be happy to accommodate. 😉

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