Good grief, what a session!
I can’t seem to stress enough the fact that the series is still a work in progress and this past Saturday was an especially painful reminder.
In addition to working with an entirely new cast, the show literally started with a bang when a bottle of Lost Abbey Saint’s Devotion (aka Brett Devo) blew it’s cork in the bag before we even had the cameras rolling. Even worse, in my haste to get the segment going I forgot to turn on the wireless transmitter powering the mics to the panelists. Grrr…
I was using a new setup in an effort to clean up the audio and while it’s an improvement, it only works when you remember to turn everything on.
I also rolled out a new feature with the introduction of a soundboard to provide a little color but it proved (in my estimation) to be an absolute failure, mainly because I was the one running it. I still have faith in the concept but it totally misses the mark when I try and operate it myself while simultaneously hosting the show.
Special thanks and a fond farewell to Ben Acord, who brought some outstanding beers (including the explosive Spirit’s Devotion). I first met Ben over at Mikkeller Brewing where he introduced me to Mikkel Bjergso, Peter Zien, and Bill Batten for a segment on Inside The Craft. Ben is moving to Oregon where he’s going to be starting his own brewery. We were glad to have him sit in before he leaves next week. You can find out more about him here:
While today is Monday, I’m starting this week off on our second beer, Karl Strauss‘s Seven Sharks A-Circling (says Tuesday’s beer in the video) to buy myself more time to see if I can salvage the audio from the Lost Abbey episode.
Once again, if you fancy yourself the next Fred Norris, hit me up and let’s talk!
As always, if you want to be part of the show, subscribe on YouTube and leave a comment explaining to us why you would be a good pick to come out and drink some craft beer with us.
Want to recommend a beer? Hit us up here or on any of the Inside The Craft Social Media outlets and we’ll be happy to accommodate. 😉
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