
In the this, the ninth installment of the new Inside The Craft series Craft Beer Budz, we circle back around to the mainstream and get into Booze Brothers Ol’ Grandaddy’s IIPA. Not surprisingly, this was probably only the second beer since we’ve started that there was pretty much a unanimously favorable consensus on. A San Diego IIPA winning hearts and palates? Who’d a thunk it???

In addition to talk of Meryl Streep’s wardrobe, the mystery of rotary land lines and the story of the pen, we implement the on camera pour in an effort to keep things moving, which would have worked great had the battery not died in one of the cameras.

I’m hoping to reduce the runtimes on these a bit in the future but it seems like we once a couple of beers go down folks become more talkative. Another, “go figure”.

As always, if you want to be part of the show, subscribe on YouTube and leave a comment explaining to us why you would be a good pick to come out and drink some craft beer with us.

Want to recommend a beer? Hit us up here or on any of the Inside The Craft Social Media outlets and we’ll be happy to accommodate. 😉

Na zdrowie!

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