
After a looooong hiatus, Inside the Craft will be re-firing the kettles and begin brewing up some fresh, new content for the San Diego craft beer community (and beyond). Look for us to start by cleaning up the brewery list, where we’ll be differentiating between active breweries and the ones that have gone skunk in the keg. Originally we were going to just eliminate the those that have fallen by the wayside, but decided to keep the listings for the sake of posterity.

It’s been SEVEN long years since we’ve served up any fresh content around here but we always kept the site active because we knew we’d be back. For us, Inside the Craft is like craft beer itself. We may take our foot of the gas occasionally to give the liver a rest but we’ll never quit it. Stay tuned for more details on what we’ve got on tap, in addition to a lot of bad beer puns 😉

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